Frontline Freedom is a 501c3 nonprofit. We aim to serve frontline workers by providing outdoor adventures in backpacking and fly-fishing, free of charge. The Frontline Freedom Podcast is great for anyone interested in the outdoors and its positive effects on mental health. WHAT WE DO: Provide adventure therapy opportunities for those struggling with Depression, Anxiety, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). WHO WE SERVE: We serve all current and retired First Responders. Including, but not limited to: Law Enforcement Officers Corrections Officers Fire Fighters Paramedics /EMS / EMT Healthcare Workers 911 Call Takers / Dispatch Personnel

Monday Dec 04, 2023
Episode 027 | Sleep and Life Expectancy
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
We've all heard the saying that getting a solid eight hours of sleep is crucial for our health. But what if I told you that it's not just about the quantity of sleep, but also the regularity? That's right, recent research has shown that having a consistent sleep schedule can be more important than the number of hours you snooze.

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Episode 026 | Your Who
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Throughout history, a person's support system has been called by many names. We have come to know these groups as our inner circle, our tribe, or even our chosen family. Regardless of what you call it, this group of people has a significant impact on our lives and the paths we take.
What happens when we choose a profession in which we close ourselves off from our support system? What happens when the things we see in a public safety role, you cannot fathom putting onto other people?

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Episode 025 | Coping with Anger
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Anger acts as one of the primary hyperarousal symptoms and is often experienced due to unresolved conflicts related to a traumatic event. It can occur suddenly and intensely for no apparent reason, leading to outbursts that may affect relationships with people around you. As challenging as it may be, it is important to understand that these emotions are a part of PTS symptoms. Seek supportive resources and speak with your healthcare provider if you are struggling with not only managing your anger but other aspects of this disorder as well.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Episode 024 | Integrity
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Each day, we make a conscious choice of how we will show up in the world. If these choices aren't co-incidentally aligned with our highest values, we are probably not acting as we would like - or being the person we want to be. Too often, society pressures us into believing who and what we should be is about fitting into the accepted norm and conforming. But where does that leave us if it doesn't align with our true self? It is so important to live with integrity and show up genuinely reflective of who you are - not who you think you should be or who someone else has told you that you ought to be.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Episode 023 | Letting Go
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
We all know that life can be difficult and full of various challenges. It is natural to want to control our environment and circumstances, but sometimes life throws us curve balls that are completely out of our hands. In these moments, it is important to remember that some things are simply not in your control – no matter how much you wish they were.

Saturday May 14, 2022
Episode 022 | Friendships and Loneliness
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
In this episode, we dive into the importance of close friendships and their effect on our mental health. We explore a new way of identifying loneliness and how to find and build meaningful relationships.

Thursday May 05, 2022
Episode 021 | Goal Setting - You’re Not Done
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Why goal setting is important to our mental health. Goal setting gives direction and more importantly, reminds us that we are not done yet.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Episode 020 | On Productivity and Motivation
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
When it comes to getting things done, there seems to be a sweet spot for timing. You want to be productive, but you don’t want to overdo it and feel burned out. So what’s the right balance? How do you know when you’re in the zone?
Do feelings predicate action? We typically think that we are motivated when we FEEL like doing something. We feel like working out, so we are motivated to go to the gym. We feel like eating healthy and losing ten pounds. We feel like connecting with an old friend, so we call them.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Episode 019 | How we can help each other by checking in.
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
In this episode, we discuss how simply checking on someone can be the difference.

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Episode 018 | Our identity, Our Titles, Our Leaders
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
What does it mean to be a first responder? For most, it's more than just a job. It's a calling, something that we dedicate ourselves to fully. But with that commitment comes a price. First responders often struggle with maintaining relationships and living a normal life outside of work. In order to deal with the stress of the job, we need to find ways to identify ourselves as separate from our work. It's also important to remember that we are human beings first and foremost and that it's essential to take care of ourselves emotionally and mentally.